Pregnancy behaviors should be avoided

Pregnant women have a complete change compared to the time before pregnancy. So changing many habits and behaviors is necessary, to ensure the best development of the fetus.

Can go high heels?

According to some experts, this is possible but will make pregnant women uncomfortable. As the pregnancy grows, it is best to choose lower shoes, sandals, sandals, because the body's focus will change often and make it difficult to walk on high heels. towel. Usually from the 25th week you should wear low-heeled shoes, especially if you see a lot of back pain.

From another point of view, it is absolutely not advisable to wear high heels (even big ones) when you are pregnant. Because when the weight increases, the body's shape and center will change, making you walk differently than usual. A slip, stumbling during pregnancy can cause pain for the mother herself and may even affect her.

Picture 1 of Pregnancy behaviors should be avoided

(Artwork: Dan Tri)

So, think carefully before deciding to add height to yourself during the gourd period.

Can I sleep straight back?

If you're new to pregnancy (first 3 months), it's okay to lie in any position. However, when moving to the second stage, it is best to choose a different lying position. If you're in the third stage of pregnancy, absolutely not lying on your back regardless of any situation, with how long. When lying on your back, the weight of the uterus will press on the veins, making blood from your legs unable to return to your heart. In addition, it also prevents the transfer of nutrients from mother to child and affects the development of the fetus.

In particular, for people with high blood pressure, this position will be particularly harmful.

Of course, when sleeping, pregnant women cannot control their position. If you wake up in your supine position, it is the body's alarm, wanting you to change your position.

It is best to leave a pillow between your legs, your hips or your back to feel comfortable, more comfortable when you have to sleep.

Can hold children?

In general, pregnant women should not carry, carry, carry anything heavier than 12kg. And when pregnant during the 30th week, do not lift anything more than 5kg.

Therefore, if a child is too heavy, it is best not to carry it if you do not want to affect your back. As the uterus gets bigger and bigger, the abdominal muscles cannot stretch and stretch, so the support of the back muscles must be resorted to when you lift something. So when lifting something, you should also bend your knee to raise it, instead of bending your back.

Standing near smokers?

Try as hard as you can to avoid exposure to tobacco smoke (passive smoking) because the poison in the smoke can get into the blood, affecting the placenta, affecting the weight and wisdom of the fetus. pediatric

Research shows that women exposed to cigarette smoke give birth to less weight than women who are not exposed to the smoke.

Can contact with children get chickenpox?

The answer is no if the woman has never had chickenpox or the chickenpox vaccine. If chickenpox is present during pregnancy, pregnant women may become ill and risk lung damage. If the chickenpox virus is infected in the early stages of pregnancy, the fetus is at risk of malformations. And if you get sick before birth, your newborn will be at risk.

Therefore, if you have had contact with someone with chickenpox, it is best to consult a doctor. If you have had an injection of the vaccine several days before, the disease may not progress. If the disease starts, the doctor will prescribe antiviral drugs to reduce the severity of the disease.