Protect the intestine, reduce cancer with walnuts

Eating walnuts every day can help protect the digestive system by increasing the amount of probiotic bacteria in the intestines and avoiding the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Scientists from Louisiana State University (USA) have studied in rats, randomly divided into 2 groups. A group supplemented with walnuts equivalent to about 50gr (1/2 cup) a day in humans and a diet that contained no walnuts for 10 weeks.

Picture 1 of Protect the intestine, reduce cancer with walnuts
Walnut nut nutrition food reduces the risk of cancer.

The results showed that the walnut group significantly increased intestinal beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacillus, Roseburia and Ruminococcaceae compared to the non-eating group.

Associate Professor Lauri Byerley - Head of research at Louisiana University (USA) said: 'Gut health is related to general health. Our research shows that walnuts change the gut, which explains why eating walnuts has other positive benefits such as good heart and brain health. "

According to Mr. Byerley, the diversity of bacteria in walnuts is the cause of this kind of seed becoming one of the foods that bring many benefits to human health.

Walnuts are the only nuts that contain significant amounts of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) , omega-3 fatty acids, protein and fiber.