Real damage to laksa leaves reduce the desire of gentlemen

Many gentlemen do not dare to eat vegetables because rumors have reduced sexual desire. However, so far there has been no document about gentlemen's ability to repress desires in this vegetable.

Many gentlemen do not dare to eat vegetables because rumors have reduced sexual desire. However, so far there has been no document about gentlemen's ability to repress desires in this vegetable.

Lettuce is a plant that likes moisture, is hot and can live in submerged environments. Spicy vegetables, aromatic smell, warm. When eating raw, lemongrass helps to warm the belly, dissipate food, disinfect, spread it. Vegetables are bright eyes, useful, strong tendons.

Not only that, this vegetable is also a medicine for abdominal pain, flatulence, abdominal cold, vomiting, sunstroke, thirst. Fresh laksa juice can detoxify snake venom. External use can cure tar, sores, worms and paralysis.

Picture 1 of Real damage to laksa leaves reduce the desire of gentlemen

Information of lettuce that reduces sexual desire in gentlemen has no basis.

However, laksa leaves can also work backwards if eaten too much and often. According to the oriental doctors, eating plenty of laksa leaves will produce cold, reduce sperm, damage to the marrow. Women in the 'red light' days should not eat lemongrass prone to bleeding. Pregnant people should not eat a lot of laksa leaves because it can cause miscarriage or people who are hot and thin, especially should not eat laksa leaves .

Talking about lettuce information that can undermine sexual ability in gentlemen, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Huong - Chairman of Vietnam Oriental Medicine Association affirmed: 'There is no document about the ability to restrain sexual ability. of laksa leaves. Information about monks having to use regular lettuce to kill sex, physiological reduction is only vague information. '

The president of the Oriental Medicine Association added that rumors about the sexual ability of laksa leaves are only a folk experience, and no scientific research paper confirms that. In oriental medicine, the drug is divided into 3 types. Except for the particular type, if the medicine is both a vegetable and a medicine, there is no curative feature; For the type that is considered to be a drug, the use instead of food, daily drinks is extremely dangerous. Lettuce is just a spice vegetable and its healing or disease ability is negligible and does not need to be prevented.

'Lettuce is only a spice vegetable, so it is impossible to use it every day, with a high content like other green vegetables, so it is not necessary to be wary of this vegetable' , Dr. Huong advised.

Update 15 December 2018



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