Recovering damage caused by multiple sclerosis

Scientists at the University of Cambridge and the University of Edinburgh in England have found a way to restore nervous system damage caused by multiple sclerosis.

Picture 1 of Recovering damage caused by multiple sclerosis
Sclerosis. (Internet photo)

This is a method through activating the self-healing function of stem cells in the brain, thereby helping to repair damaged sites.

Multiple sclerosis is a nervous system disease. Currently, the main measure to treat this disease is to inhibit the attack on the immune system, thereby lowering the level of damage to myelin (the fat that surrounds the nerves). However, it has no effect on the injuries that have arisen.

Scientists have found a way to activate stem cell regeneration. After applying this method to the treatment of mice with multiple sclerosis, the findings showed that stem cells in the lab rats were activated and produced new myelin.

According to scientists, the new method has brought a major breakthrough in research to reduce the level of damage caused by multiple sclerosis. At the same time, this method will bring great hope in the root treatment of multiple sclerosis.