Restoration of mammoth genome

An international team of researchers extracted a large amount of DNA from the feathers of two mammoths preserved in permanent ice in Siberia, then thanks to new generation DNA sequencing devices, recovering 80% Genome of hairy mammoths.

Picture 1 of Restoration of mammoth genome

Furry mammoths, which are highly adaptable to an extremely cold climate, were extinct by the end of the Ice Age, about 10,000 years ago, some dwarf mammoths survived 4,000 years ago.

This result, just published in the journal Nature, helps clarify the cause of the mammoth's doom and shows that they are more closely related to modern elephants than people think.

When re-establishing the genome of an extinct species, biologists can determine the differences in DNA from its closest species.

The same technology can be applied to any species that has become extinct about 60,000 years ago if they collect their feathers, horns, nails .

According to Stephan Schuster, of the University of Pennsylvania (USA), with the data obtained from the ancient genome, science could someday regenerate hairy mammoths by bringing the mammoth's entire DNA sequence into it. Genetic system of modern elephants.