Risk of premature death, cancer because ... don't drink alcohol

New research published by Queen's Belfast University (Northern Ireland, UK) shocked many people who were determined to say no to alcoholic beverages.

Concussion studies on drinking habits show that people who do not drink alcohol are also at risk of premature death and cancer.

New research published by Queen's Belfast University (Northern Ireland, England) shocked many people determined to say no to alcoholic beverages.

The complete rejection of alcohol can increase the risk of death by 5% for men, 9% for women, when compared with those who drink less (more than 1 to 3 cans of beer per day). Drinking less than 1 can, the risk also increased by 5% and 11% respectively in men and women.

Picture 1 of Risk of premature death, cancer because ... don't drink alcohol

Drinking, beer and moderation are the best, according to new research - (photo: SHUTTERSTOCK).

Scientists have studied nearly 100,000 adults on the habit of using alcohol, beer and other alcoholic drinks, then making detailed lists of the increase in the risk of premature death and corresponding cancer. with the number of alcoholic drinks consumed weekly / daily.

A standard alcoholic drink is calculated with 1 can of 5% alcoholic beer or 1 12-degree glass of wine or 1 small glass (1 shot) of 40 degree spirits.

Results showed that taking 1-3 portions of alcoholic drinks, equivalent to 1-3 cans of beer per week, the increase in the risk of premature death and death was so low that it was not statistically significant. Women who drink more or less than that are at risk, while men who drink 3-5 cans of beer per week are the most perfect, because their risk is even reduced by 3%.

The risk of premature death and death starts to increase by 4% in women when they drink 3-5 cans of beer per week. In people who drink regularly, 5-7 cans of beer per week, the risk increases 3% and 9% in men and women respectively. Quite strange is that drinking more often, about 1-2 cans of beer a day, the increase in risk in men returns to 0%, while women continue to increase by 10%.

Picture 2 of Risk of premature death, cancer because ... don't drink alcohol

A standard drink is equivalent to 1 can of beer or 1 shot of 40 alcohol.

For those believed to be heavy alcoholics, or 2-3 cans of beer a day, the risk of premature death - cancer increased 9% and 13% in men and women."Very heavy" addicts, taking more than 3 cans of beer / day, risk increased by 19% and 46% in men and women.

Research is controversial because many people believe that not drinking alcohol increases the risk of premature death and cancer is absurd.

However, Dr. Andrew Kunzmann, the lead author, explains that drinking alcohol in small quantities, moderation helps increase cardiovascular health, as many studies have demonstrated . Therefore, if compared to people who do not drink with people who drink less and modulate, of course the risk of premature death and cancer of the non-drinker group will be higher.

Knowing how to make good use of alcoholic beverages also makes you feel better, which in turn can prevent you from following other healthy behaviors, such as regular exercise.

The study has just published in the scientific journal PLOS Medicine.

Update 15 December 2018



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