Russian specialists are equipped with magic ice cream

Russian special forces received the first, almost invisible camouflage creams with thermal imaging cameras and cameras.

Russian special forces received the first, almost invisible camouflage creams with thermal imaging cameras and cameras.

Picture 1 of Russian specialists are equipped with magic ice cream

This cream is not toxic, allergy to soldiers.

The unique cream "Tuman-R" not only absorbs infrared radiation, but also therapeutic effect, speed up wound healing, Russian media said.

According to experts, compared to similar products abroad, the cream produced in the country is non-toxic and does not cause skin allergies to soldiers.

"Tuman-R" absorbs up to 95% of the infrared light emitted by the human body, which lasts up to two weeks after use. " Russian media writes.

This unique cream can be easily washed off with a damp cloth. The tests also showed that fat-free ointment and hypoallergenic insect repellent could be used.

Update 12 December 2018



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