Scientists reveal secrets about mysterious signals from the galaxy

This discovery was made by researchers through the use of a method commonly used to detect exoplanets.

This discovery was made by researchers through the use of a method commonly used to detect exoplanets.

Picture 1 of Scientists reveal secrets about mysterious signals from the galaxy

Scientists have identified the source of the mysterious signal in the galaxy.

Researchers at Warwick University have finally figured out how to identify the origin of the bizarre signal emanating from a space object called NGTS-7 , located in the Milky Way, where there are often signals. 'flashing' , the light emitted from it decreases in the cycle of 16.2 hours.

Not only are NGTS-7 two similar-sized stars within the same system, but also an object known as brown dwarfs orbiting one of these stars, which is thought to be the cause of the light dimmed above.

"It is impressive that participating astronomers can analyze complex signals from this system, addressing the alternating light from brown dwarfs and two small stars," said Hugh Osborn, an astronomer. studied in France, who did not participate in the study.

Osborn also said that while any discovery of brown dwarfs is very interesting due to the rarity of these objects.

  • Mysterious radio signals from the universe
  • Obtain a mysterious signal of aliens
Update 29 June 2019



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