Seven steps to reduce the risk of cancer

Until now, cancer is still a problematic disease with high mortality rates, long-term treatment, costly and usually just prolonged time. But if you know how to live healthy and know how to prevent it, you can reduce the risk of getting cancer.

Doctors often offer different ways to prevent cancer, sometimes contradicting each other. However, the following steps to prevent cancer are acknowledged. Those seven steps are:

Step 1: Do not use tobacco

All types of tobacco (pipe tobacco, cigars .) are related to cancer. If you are not addicted, you should avoid it. If you are addicted, you need to be determined to give it up. Tobacco statistics have been linked to cancer in the following parts: lungs, bladder, neck, kidney, lips, palate, larynx, pancreas, mouth, and trachea. Chewing tobacco can cause less cancer, mainly the larynx, mouth, throat and pancreas.

Even if you do not smoke, only inhaling smoke from a drug addict is likely to cause lung cancer.

Step 2: Eat only 'healthy' foods

Food is also a factor related to cancer so it is necessary to choose the types that limit the risk of cancer, as these are things that are associated with our lives.

American Cancer Society recommends:

a. Eat foods of plant origin. Eat fruits and vegetables every day. Cereals and beans eat several times a day. Replacing high calorie foods with vegetables and fruits, you will never be overweight. Eating lots of vegetables reduces bowel, esophageal, lung and stomach cancer.

b. Limit the fat. Choose low-fat foods, preferably only vegetable fats. Fat is a high-calorie type, so it increases the risk of being overweight and obese. And that is also the cause of cancer.

c. Drinking alcohol must have a degree. Depending on how much you drink and how often, alcohol is related to cancers of the mouth, throat, trachea, kidney, liver and breast cancer. If men use alcohol twice a day, and women once a day, 65 years or older, are likely to have cancer.

Picture 1 of Seven steps to reduce the risk of cancer

Photo: Flickr

Step 3: Stay active and maintain your weight by age

Maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly plays an important role in preventing cancer. If you are overweight and obese, you will most likely develop breast cancer (both male and female), intestines, kidneys, stomach and urinary tract. Physical activity helps us avoid obesity and therefore, reduces the risk of breast, intestinal, prostate, and urinary cancers.

Try to be active every 30 minutes or more. If you have cancer, exercise also limits the development of the disease. There are many modes of exercise depending on interests such as walking, gardening, dancing . Should consult a physician about the most appropriate form of training.

Step 4: Protect yourself from the sun's rays

Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers and also one of the most easily preventable cancers, because exposure to X-rays or exposure to chemicals may be a common cause of skin cancer. .

Most cases of skin cancer are caused by part of the body being exposed to ultraviolet rays (in the sun) such as the face, hands and arms, ears. Almost all skin cancers can be cured if detected early but it is still better to prevent it. Keep trying hard:

a. Avoid at the highest radiation intensity. Ultraviolet radiation in the sun reaches maximum from 10 am to 4 pm. Limit out to the outdoors this time.

b. Go out (or have to work) outdoors. If you need to go outside, choose a place with shade. Wearing bright, wide-fitting clothes covering your limbs, wearing a wide-brimmed hat covering your head and ears.

c. Don't forget to wear sunglasses. Choose a wide spectrum of glass that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15.

d. Do not use solar lights indoors, can cause skin cancer, harm harms.

Step 5: Create immunity

Some cancers are related to viral infections, so they can be prevented by immunity. Tell your doctor to give you anti-contagious medicines like:

a. Hepatitis B can increase the risk of liver cancer. Not just vaccination for all children but also adults at high risk.

b. Human papillomavirus = HPV virus. HPV is a sexually transmitted virus that leads to cervical cancer. This vaccine should be given to girls from 11 to 12 years old. Ask your doctor if you should get vaccines to increase immunity to cancer.

Step 6: Avoid unhealthy habits

Unhealthy habits that lead to infection need to be removed and can lead to cancer such as the infection caused by papilloma or immunodeficiency virus, HIV. These viruses are usually transmitted through unhealthy sexual contact and do not use condoms.
Do not use needles with people who have been infected with the viruses.

Do not use needles with people who have been infected with the viruses.

Step 7: Regularly be alert to cancer

Regularly "listen" to changes in the body, paying special attention to the skin, mouth, intestines, colon. If you are male, pay attention to prostate and testicular cancer. If you are a woman, special attention should be paid to breast cancer, although it is not considered too dangerous if detected and treated early (many people self-examine and find out for themselves because of symptoms obvious), as well as cervical cancer. If you see any strange phenomenon, you should go to the doctor right away because any disease, not just cancer, detect and treat as soon as possible.