Soybeans work against brain hemorrhage

A scientific study indicates that soy can provide protection against the risk of brain hemorrhage.

Picture 1 of Soybeans work against brain hemorrhage According to the study, those who consume at least 300 grams of products that are based on soy per week, the risk of bleeding will be reduced by 77% compared to those consuming less than 50g per week.

Hemorrhage is one of the most common forms of cardiovascular disease.

Soy consumption may have a good effect on the risk of stroke (stroke). Compared to normal people, people who have had a stroke seem to consume much less soy products.

Scientists have emphasized that the more people consume soy products, the lower the risk of bleeding.

These findings stem from a study conducted on 838 Chinese people of two sexes, with an average age of 65. In this group of people, 374 people have had an internal hemorrhage. the past. The rest are normal people and are considered as control groups.

Both groups were asked about the weekly consumption of soy-based products, such as soy beans, soy milk and tofu . /.