Do you believe that pulling only the neck muscles can lead to hemiplegia?

Scientists have discovered evidence of brain surgery on two skulls dating back more than 2,300 years.

Sometimes a small carelessness such as bending down to tie a shoelace, lifting your head up to the edge of the table also stunned you.

Is stroke a hereditary disease; Dizziness is a symptom of stroke; How to prevent? ... are common questions about stroke.

Using many remedies from pigeon feces to extract skulls to cure stroke, King Charles II (England) in the 17th century died after only 4 days of falling ill.

Leonid Stadnyk, Ukrainian man is said to be the tallest person in the world, died of brain hemorrhage.

A scientific study indicates that soy can provide protection against the risk of brain hemorrhage.

Stroke or intracranial haemorrhage occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures, the blood leaking out to form a blood clot that puts pressure on the surrounding brain tissue.