Special mechanisms in human evolution suggest the intervention of external intelligence!

New discoveries in the field of genetics are raising explosive questions about human origins and evolution.

New discoveries in the field of genetics are raising explosive questions about human origins and evolution. Some scientists believe that humans' unique genetic traits, different from those of any other species on Earth, may be evidence of the intervention of an outside intelligence.

Since Darwin proposed the theory of evolution, humans have never stopped exploring their own origins. The theory of evolution is not only an explanation of biological diversity, but it also addresses fundamental problems of humans themselves.

Darwin believed that humans, like other creatures on Earth, were the product of natural selection over a long period of time. This view was controversial at the time because it challenged humans' unique place in nature.

However, as time passed, Darwin's theory was gradually recognized in the scientific community and with the development of genetics, molecular biology and other fields, the theory of evolution became more and more popular. confirm and improve. But, skepticism about evolution persists. These questions do not address the evolutionary relationship between all species but raise the question of whether humans actually evolved from ancient apes. They believe that natural selection simply cannot explain the evolution from a stupid animal to an extremely intelligent human, so there must be some outside intervention or guidance.

Picture 1 of Special mechanisms in human evolution suggest the intervention of external intelligence!

Biostatistician Catherine Pollard has expressed her views on this. She believes that human DNA variation is not enough to support the theory that natural selection evolved ancient apes into modern humans. In her view, over millions of years of evolution, the highly conserved human DNA sequence could not have changed continuously.

Therefore, from this perspective, ancient apes could not have evolved into modern humans. But now, much scientific evidence has proven that ancient apes did indeed become humans, does this mean that some kind of force actually intervened in this process? Is it true as some rumors say that Earth is a prison for ancient civilizations and humans are prisoners exiled therein?

This question remained unanswered until more than ten years ago, and scientists' discoveries about DNA in recent years seem to have added credibility to the rumors. An academic journal once published a research paper jointly completed by two scientists from the Fesenkov Institute of Astrophysics - Marcus and Shmilov. In the article, they point out that there is reason and evidence to believe that humans are the product of some kind of genetic engineering . Marcus and Shmilov discovered that in the genetic code, some codons (genetic codes) have special arithmetic patterns and hieroglyphic symbols .

Picture 2 of Special mechanisms in human evolution suggest the intervention of external intelligence!

They call these codons the hallmarks of 'intelligent signal sources' . They discovered that the total number of bases in some codons is 37 and that 37 is a prime number, that is, a number divisible only by 1 and itself. They believe prime numbers are a universal mathematical language that can be used to communicate with extraterrestrial intelligence. They also discovered that the total number of bases in some codons was 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, etc. and that these numbers were all divisible by 3. They believed that this was a hieroglyphic symbology that had can be used to represent various geometric figures.

6 can represent a square, 9 can represent an equilateral triangle, 12 can represent an equilateral hexagon, 15 can represent a pentagram, 18 can represent a star six-pointed, etc. They believe that these numerological patterns and hieroglyphic symbol systems are signals intentionally left by intelligent alien life in human DNA to prove that humans were designed designed by aliens.

Marcus and Shmilov theorize that humans were carefully designed and created by aliens. They believe that aliens used existing materials and living conditions on Earth to genetically modify and optimize primitive life on Earth, allowing it to evolve into modern humans. Initially, they considered these findings to be a coincidence, but through extensive reasoning and calculations, they believed that the probability of such a coincidence occurring was very low, only one in 10 trillion .

Picture 3 of Special mechanisms in human evolution suggest the intervention of external intelligence!

In fact, scientists discovered the mystery of these numbers in human DNA at the beginning of the 21st century, but found no convincing explanation and they could only be considered coincidences. pure union.

If we consider that these numbers are really traces left by some kind of force in human DNA, then we cannot help but wonder, who arranged all this and why can it do this?

Perhaps "lab theory" can give us some inspiration. According to this theory, scientists believe that the universe is actually very alive because it is 13.8 billion years old. However, we have discovered that the universe is unusually silent, far from what we expected.

To explain this phenomenon, some scientists have proposed the 'laboratory theory', arguing that the reason the universe that humans see is silent is not because there is no other civilization in the universe but because because humans are in laboratories created by advanced civilizations in the region.

To observe and study humans, these advanced civilizations will not let humans pay attention to the existence of other civilizations. If the scenario described by the laboratory theory is true, then not only the numbers just mentioned above will have a reasonable explanation, but even the identity of the UFO can be explained. They can be laboratory cameras or surveillance devices used by advanced civilizations to observe human behavior and reactions.

Picture 4 of Special mechanisms in human evolution suggest the intervention of external intelligence!

So how true is the 'lab theory'? North Sentinel Island in the Bay of Bengal is an interesting case. There are about 400 indigenous people living on this island. Their civilization is believed to be stuck in the Stone Age, thousands or even tens of thousands of years away from the outside world.

Due to long-term isolation from the outside world, residents on the island do not have immunity to viruses and bacteria from the outside world, so they are easily infected. To protect these last primitive humans, North Sentinel Island has banned anyone from approaching. Researchers can only quietly observe their development outside the island. The existence of this island has aroused deep thoughts about human evolution and the development of civilization. Some scientists and philosophers have hypothesized: If there is a civilization more advanced than humans, could human society on Earth be considered 'North Sentinel Island' in their eyes?

From the perspective of this more advanced civilization, we may simply be an example of natural evolution in the universe. However, it must be clarified that these are just speculations about the origin of human life from different angles and cannot become official scientific theories.

Picture 5 of Special mechanisms in human evolution suggest the intervention of external intelligence!

Today, developments in genetic science are providing us with more clues about the origins of humanity. By studying the genetic information in the human genome, the relationship between humans and other species, and human evolution, we can gradually reveal the mystery of the origin of human life. People.

The mysteries of human genetics:

The genetic code is complex: Human DNA contains about 3 billion base pairs, more than any other species except some great apes. However, what makes human DNA unique is not just its size but also its complexity. Our genome contains many protein-coding sequences of no apparent function, known as junk DNA. Some scientists believe that this junk DNA may be remnants of genetic code that has been edited by an outside intelligence.

Tremendous brain development: The human brain is much larger than that of any other species of comparable body size, and it has a much more complex structure. Humans' cognitive abilities, language, and abstract thinking far exceed those of any other species, and some scientists believe that this can only be explained by outside intervention.

The sudden appearance of modern humans: The fossil record shows that modern humans appeared suddenly about 200,000 years ago, relatively late compared to other apes. This sudden appearance has no clear explanation by conventional evolutionary theory, and some scientists believe that it may be evidence that the intervention of an outside intelligence prompted the human development.

Update 09 May 2024



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