Species are bloody red in the depths of thousands of meters

The explorer ship of the US Ocean and Atmospheric Administration discovered that the squid has a strange red body structure in the Gulf of Mexico.

The explorer ship of the US Ocean and Atmospheric Administration discovered that the squid has a strange red body structure in the Gulf of Mexico.

Picture 1 of Species are bloody red in the depths of thousands of meters

The new squid is as red as blood.

This may be a new species of squid.

NOAA's Okeanos expedition vessel recorded this unusual squid by remote-controlled submarine at thousands of meters below the surface.

At first, it didn't look like ink until the submarine came closer and it spun. What confuses scientists is the color, position of the limbs and its posture on the ground.

NOAA biologist and ink expert Mike Vecchione said: "I wish I could tell you exactly what it is, but I will have to do more research. There are two different families of squids with short bodies. The fin is very long, my current speculation is the Cycloteuthidae species ".

Biologists are speculating about the structure and behavior of this species.

Update 18 December 2018



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