Stool colors reveal your health

Black stools may be when you are taking iron, may also be a sign of a serious disease. If silver proves your intestines are bad.

Black stools may be when you are taking iron, may also be a sign of a serious disease. If silver proves your intestines are bad.


This coloration is caused by many reasons, such as food that is quickly digested, eating a lot of vegetables, or food containing green dye, or the body is sensitive to anise oil or side effects of taking iron supplements. . These cases are not too disturbing.


White feces are often caused by bile deficiency, which may result from blockage of bile ducts. For example, a gallstones can block bile ducts, or bile ducts can become inflamed and scarred. Meanwhile, the bile will return to the liver, causing not only white feces but also abdominal pain, dark urine and yellowing of the yellow eyes.


Sometimes the stool is yellow, slippery and smelly of sour eggs (due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide) if we eat too much fat and bile cannot be fully metabolized. But this may also be a sign of stomach ulcers. If this phenomenon lasts for several days, you should see a doctor.

Picture 1 of Stool colors reveal your health



There are many causes of black stools. This is common if you drink alcohol at night, eat licorice or take iron supplements.

However, it may also be a sign of a more dangerous disease. This is a sign that you have bleeding in the digestive tract, and this bleeding is caused by a tumor or ulcer. If the black color is caused by bleeding, the stools are tarry and smell very horrible.

If you emit a black stench with a terrible stench that you did not take a sip of alcohol in the previous 16 hours, seek medical attention immediately.

Bright red

If you eat sugar beets, tomatoes or blueberries, drink mixed drinks like Kool-Aid and your stools are bright red, then you have nothing to worry about. However, if the stool has bright red spots, or red bands like fresh blood, there may be some organs in the digestive system that bleed, or you have hemorrhoids.

The silver

A sign that the intestine is very bad. It may be due to obstruction in the bile ducts or bleeding in the small intestine. White feces due to lack of bile associated with bleeding of the intestinal tract. And if you see this color, you should go to the hospital right away.


Maybe it was because you drank too much grape soda or blue Curaçao (which is a Curaçao wine mixed with blue melon). This may also be a side effect of taking some supplements that are treated in heavy metal poisoning (radiation, radiation).

Update 15 December 2018



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