Strange and scary robot ... fingers

A French researcher invented a robotic finger attached to your mobile phone. The robot can look at the desk, or stroke your hand.

A French researcher invented a robotic finger attached to your mobile phone. The robot can look at the desk, or stroke your hand.

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MobiLimb robot attached to mobile phone.(PHOTO: MARC TEYSSIER).

Sounds ridiculous and somewhat scary, isn't it? When asked about the reasons for making robots, researcher Marc Teyssier at Telecom Paristech School of Technology replied: 'My doctoral topic is about communication, communication. When we talk to others in real life, we touch each other to communicate emotions. But with mobile devices and interaction with computers in general, we don't use any touches. So my starting point is: How can we put touch and touch into communication between people and machines? '.

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MobiLimb and its outer shell.(PHOTO: REUTERS).

Since then, Mr. Teyssier designed, built and patented MobiLimb robot finger .

MobiLimb looks very much like a real finger, is plugged into a mobile phone and can pull the phone on the table. Your friend can activate and operate it far away, helping them pat your wrist when the two of you talk.
But when people see this robot, they all have the same reaction.

'We received tons of reactions on the internet "so scary". Everyone says it's scary, and it's really scary. We communicate with people every day by touching, through touch. We use fingers and movement. But when putting those two elements on mobile devices, people thought it was crazy and scary , 'Mr. Teyssier said.

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Fellows Marc Teyssier and robot fingers.(PHOTO: REUTERS).

This frightening mobile finger tells us who we are. Even so, it still has no moving body. Mr. Teyssier said that robotic fingers are both human and not human.

'I think to some extent, we are in a strange valley. Technology looks like human but not exactly human. So our brain doesn't know how to react , 'said Teyssier.

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Finger robots are not much different in size than normal fingers.(PHOTO: REUTERS).

The researcher still imagines that the world will interact with senseless objects someday in a way that they interact with friends and pets. Someday, we will go to the kitchen and hug the refrigerator.

'With this project, we ask many questions about smartphones and people, human nature. What if all devices have limbs and touch us like people? I think we will behave completely differently from technology. Maybe we won't throw it in the trash after two years of use, right? Perhaps we will want to build a relationship and keep it as a friend or companion ' , Mr. Teyssier said.

Update 12 December 2018



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