Students make trucks in the business

The auto loading truck from the workshop to the warehouse is being put to trial at a foreign company in Dong Nai, giving it nearly three times the efficiency of manual labor.

The auto loading truck from the workshop to the warehouse is being put to trial at a foreign company in Dong Nai, giving it nearly three times the efficiency of manual labor.

Car by the three students Le Minh Tri, Round The Ginseng (mechanics) and Tran Nguyen Sang (electronics), Lac Hong University of Dong Nai research and development.

The car is powered by a metal detector and programmable operation is simplified through buttons. At the end of the production phase, users can call the car by pressing a button RF (Radio Frequency).

Picture 1 of Students make trucks in the business

AGV vehicles are being tested at Chang Shin

Once the cargo is loaded onto the vehicle, the user only needs to press the button, the car will automatically run into the warehouse. When goods are placed in stock, the vehicle is ready to wait for calls at other stages. The results show that the efficiency of the car is nearly three times that of a human.

Prof. Tran Van Thanh, lecturer of electrical engineering, Lac Hong University who directly instruct three students said, the car by three students Tri, Sam, Sang fabricated to solve the actual work in limited company Chang Shin. Currently the car is being tested at the company to complete before putting into mass production.

Picture 2 of Students make trucks in the business

Before using self-propelled vehicles, people must use the force to push the goods

According to Master Thanh, in advanced countries, this AGV car is nothing new, but in Vietnam this is the first car produced in the application of industrial production. Currently, the import price of this car is over two billion VND, while the cost of manufacturing in the country is only 200 million VND.

Update 11 December 2018



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