Stunned to detect liquid on Mars

An image that looks like a newly discovered liquid on Mars makes many people stunned.

An image that looks like a newly discovered liquid on Mars makes many people stunned.

New research results sent to the Curiosity Rover spacecraft Mars show a natural phenomenon like a strange liquid stain appeared on Mars. Scientists call it RSL.

RSL was discovered near Sharp's mountain slopes, Mars is in the form of dark streaks , like liquid water flowing on the mountainside.

Picture 1 of Stunned to detect liquid on Mars

RSL was discovered near the slopes of Mount Sharp, Mars.(Image source: Dailymail).

Scientists say these streaks of liquid formation are not caused by groundwater gathered under the surface of Mars, or because of melting ice. The reason may be because water from the atmosphere falls down. NASA stated in a press release.

RSL not only appears on Sharp slopes but also scattered everywhere, mountain peaks, canyons and ridge gathered at the average equatorial latitude.

Picture 2 of Stunned to detect liquid on Mars

This liquid stain creates distinct, distinctive black streaks compared to the surrounding surface.(Image source: Dailymail).

Many experts believe that this liquid stain creates distinct, distinctive black streaks compared to the surrounding surface. Some other experts believe that the liquid stains on Mars create these strange streaks that often operate in certain seasons of the year and are very likely to be salty, Matthew Chojnacki, scientist at the University of Laboratory Moon and Planet Arizona speak to

Update 17 December 2018



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