Children like to consume ultra-processed foods such as soft drinks, ice cream, fast food... but these foods have long-term negative effects on their health.

But do you wonder which ingredients actually contain any ingredients? Because controlling the ingredients in the food we consume is really necessary.

Gelatin, a food additive is very popular in creams, jellies and sweet candies, produced from pig body parts.

Scientists in Italy have just announced the successful production and application of a new method of detecting additives that work like xenoestrogen.

Whenever I go to eat sushi, I still find sushi with crab meat look very attractive. But just like crabs, it's not real crabs. So what is inside?

In a recent study of the effects of bisphenol A (BPA - a plastic additive chemical) on humans ...

Many families often use cans, plastic containers for pickled salt. But is this safe for users?

American scientists discovered, to have cleaner and safer drinking water, we need to add the following

Many parents still carefree for children to blow rubber balloons, but do not know that rubber balloons are made from rubber latex and additives that are toxic to children.

According to the latest milk safety standards in China, the number of bacteria allowed in 1 ml of milk is 2 million, 20 times higher than the standards of the European Union.