Located near the town of Tiya in southern Ethiopia, Tiya ancient rock is an archaeological site that attracts international researchers.

The team of scientists found the weapon and jewelry in the 2,600-year-old tomb of a young warrior.

Meteor shower is one of the most interesting natural phenomena that people have been waiting for.

Many ancient cultures considered it

According to NYT, in 2005, Hungarian archaeologist Dr. Janos Balazs found the arm of a mummy child holding a greened coin.

Archaeologists have discovered a huge 3,000-year-old Sun temple in Xinjiang autonomous region, northwest China.

English words

On October 24, a group of Canadian scientists unexpectedly discovered an ancient city with four pyramids sunk in the Bermuda Triangle, 700 meters from Cuba's east coast. This

Two Dutch biology archaeologists have just published studies of a grilled beef beef meal dating back to 7,700 years of prehistoric people ...

For a long time, scientists blamed the comet