For scientists or tourists, they can go to Antarctica normally. However, for doctors, they will have to undergo a minor surgery to remove their appendix before going there.

Signs of appendicitis may be confused with other signs of gastrointestinal disease. Therefore, if not understood, the appendix may burst and the inflammation will quickly spread

Abdominal pain is caused by many causes, most of which are diseases related to stomach, liver, pancreas and digestive system.

Going out several times a day is caused by an overgrowth of the bacterial flora and large intestine yeast, food intolerance, overeating of high-fat foods, poor digestion and

Back pain is caused not only by damage to the lumbar structure but also by stones, kidney infections, fibroids, ulcers ...

Many people are often vague when the body is sick and do not know exactly what kind of disease they are experiencing, thereby causing difficulties in treatment, and even leading to

Thai authorities were surprised to find the corpse with the skin of an old man's tattoo in the graveyard on the border with Laos.

Doctors in South Florida (USA) determine the cause of a girl's death 2,100 years ago because of appendicitis.

Through evolution and natural selection, some organs in the human body appear more or disappear to form a complete body apparatus. However there are some parts that defy this

According to ScienceABC, recent studies show that the appendix has some important immunological effects and a number of other applications, both for developing fetuses and adult