The biggest drawback is that when you use a pen to write on a whiteboard when you delete it, you cannot erase all the stains on the board, making it blurry for a long time.

The number of people killed in the tsunami in Indonesia has increased to 343 people, 34 people have died because of the Merapi volcano and there are still 338 people missing on

In 2011, there will be a change in atomic mass of 10 chemical elements in the Periodic Classification of Chemical Elements. For the first time in history, atomic mass ...

More than 300 domestic and international researchers and managers exchanged experiences on research and application of Nano materials into practice.

Manufacturing small and medium devices, so Dr. Hoang Tien Cuong, Institute of Chemical Technology said,

An application that has been developed for medical assistance for people living in rural India.

Fat tissue stem cells are taken from the patient's belly fat, after many stages of treatment will be injected into the patient's knee joint for treatment.

The sea contains many interesting things and the latest version of Google Earth for the first time allows people to explore creatures deep in the ocean.

Sprint has announced a new smartphone application that prevents users from sending text messages and making or receiving phone calls to avoid distractions while driving.

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