The world's largest nuclear submarine is currently in the United Kingdom. Not only did the US or Russia own the most modern nuclear submarine, but not long ago, the United Kingdom

The idea of using lasers to turn the Earth's atmosphere into a giant magnifying glass may sound like a fiction. However, experts believe that this can become a reality in the

To increase the resistance to explosions for military vehicles, BAE Systems sought answers from the hardest beetle in the natural - iron-eyed (ironclad beetle) world.

By combining 3D printing technology and using specific chemicals, scientists can turn small-sized aircraft with their palms much larger.

BAE Systems has unveiled a number of concept models capable of transforming, self-repairing and printing 3D unmanned aerial vehicles.

Q-Warrior, the latest version of the Google glass, has been made specifically for soldiers on the battlefield.

The Royal Navy has unveiled a new line of radar capable of detecting a tennis ball-sized object flying at three times the speed of light at a distance of more than 24km.

British company BAE Systems has introduced a new helmet called Striker for fighter pilots. The helmet is connected to cameras mounted outside the fuselage to allow pilots to see