Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, three Apollo 11 astronauts made a trip around the world after returning from the Moon.

Apollo program puts people on the Moon as a result of the effort and silent sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of people.

400,000 NASA employees and associates had to work very hard to create the historic footsteps of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the Moon, but it all began when an American named

Although Collins was not allowed to set foot on the surface of the Moon, he did 266 hours of space work, on two NASA mission missions with subsequent missions.

For 47 years the Apollo 11 mission crew set foot on the Moon, officially marking the first time humans conquered another heavenly object outside of Earth.

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second man to set foot on the Moon, said he no longer thinks of the earth's natural satellite but thinks that humanity must conquer Mars.

The Moon landing of Apollo 11 was suspected of being fake due to an unusual feature in the photograph taken by the crew. Up to now these abnormalities have been

On July 20, 1969, the world witnessed the historic landing of three astronauts: Neil Armstrong, NASA's Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins on Apollo 11, landing for the first time on

The astronauts who set foot on the moon did not receive the support needed to enter a new life after completing a great mission, ...

Before becoming the main character in the march in America, the first three astronauts to the moon had to do a job that no one expected: sign customs declarations for entry.