The city of the dead is currently being built just below the Israeli capital of Jerusalem and is believed to help the dead to revive.

If you've ever read Victor Hugo's works, you'll know that Paris has a maze of hundreds of kilometers of tunnels and sewers running like a spider web.

Although many scientists entered, they still could not find the final solution to the appearance of these mysterious faces.

People are always proud of their scientific and technical level, have discovered all the niches on the earth and began to explore the space. There are still many bow ties

In the world today there are still many strange and ghost tombs. These gloomy places keep ...

Archaeological experts are extremely surprised and continue to study this special grave.

Egyptian archaeologists have successfully unearthed an unfinished tunnel of ancient people, connected to a tomb of Pharaoh Sati I datinged 3,300 years ...

A small package was found at the foot of an Egyptian mummy in a tomb carved with the phrase

Z-44 Chayvo oil well is the deepest place that people can dig, but we have to dig another 6,400km to reach the center of the Earth.