120 million-year-old fossils found in Japan reveal one of the oldest birds on Earth.

A University of California student has just made a discovery to life, when he found the skull of a Triceratop dinosaur that lived about 65 million years ago.

US scientists concluded that the Earth was dark for two years after being hit by an asteroid 65 million years ago, Phys.org reported yesterday.

The team from the US and China discovered the Tamu Massif volcano in the Pacific, which has a large area of Japan and South Korea combined.

The 110-million-year-old fossil was identified as belonging to a small dinosaur bird that could easily be held in hand.

Scientists found 215 fossil eggs from the Hamipterus tianshanensis in the Xinjiang autonomous region, China, and Guardian yesterday reported.

Korean scientists have discovered an unprecedented large piece of fossilized skin of a lizard-like dinosaur that lived in the early Cretaceous period, or Cretaceous period.

One of the striking similarities between the two species is the large and prominent bone crest on the top of the head.

About 115 million years ago, on the ancient supercontinent Gondwana, a small mushroom fell into the river and was swept into a saltwater lagoon, where it was buried in sediment and

People assume that tyrannical dinosaurs are the most terrible and fierce predators of prehistoric times. But recently, fossilized archaeologists of a new dinosaur, though smaller