Some foods such as vinegar, fermented fruit juice, syrup, antiseptic solution of mouth and throat, ... also contain alcohol in small amounts.

Kimchi is often present in Korean meals not only as a delicious dish but also

In 1948, Rickes isolated from pig liver a red crystalline substance named vitamin B12, then four Nobel prizes were awarded for studies related to vitamin B12.

Japanese people have the highest life expectancy in the world. According to the researchers, it is the diet and traditional dishes that help them live long and healthy.

The pickles not only increase the appetite for the meal, they also contribute to the digestive organs working well.

If you are given antibiotics, it means you need to fight off the infection. In fact, some foods and herbs can act as natural antibiotics, according to experts.

Fermented foods stimulate the digestive system and support the body's immunity.

Yogurt, pickled sauerkraut ... contain probiotics that are good for digestion, purify the body, help lose weight, enhance immunity or good for the skin.

According to the Daily Mail of England, when certain foods undergo fermentation, they are

Eat too much salted fish from a young age, eat a lot of preserved or fermented foods; Oral sex ... increases the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer.