Florida residents discovered a million-year-old fossil tooth of the largest shark ever existed on Earth.

The fossil tooth is a remnant of an intense aerial attack between a double-spotted shark and lizard.

Scientists have compared the teeth of 58 people living in different eras from the 11th to the 19th centuries in Spain and the ancient Inuit fossil teeth living in Alaska (USA). .

Whale sharks, the largest in the world of sharks, can reach body lengths of up to 17m.

A group of German archaeologists discovered mysterious teeth at the heart of the Rhine River, according to the Natural History Museum in Mainz on October 18.

Researchers have long believed that the origins of humanity evolved from apes that lived about 5 million years ago in Africa.

A new finding shows that the giant otter, about the size of modern wolves, used to live in China's wetlands 6 million years ago.

New research suggests that before the dinosaurs became extinct, the mammals had developed very well.

The 5-million-year-old tooth found on a beach in Australia is the first evidence that giant killer whales once lived outside the United States.

Israeli scientists have discovered that prehistoric people in the Qesem cave in this country have tried to diversify the food they earn.