The giant TBM robot is being urgently installed underground to prepare for connecting two underground stations.

Perhaps after the defeat to the US team at the Women's World Cup, the Japanese want to regain their honor.

After a long wait, finally, the audiences around the world also admire the giant robot battle between engineers from the US and Japan.

It is Prosthesis - the world's first electronic racing machine created by Furrion Robotics.

Hankook Mirae (Korea) is developing a giant human-like fighting robot. This is what we usually see only in science fiction films.

Former US aerospace engineer Dan Granett designed the 21-meter robot, capable of juggling heavy loads at car conferences.

To study the ocean, scientists at the Institute of Marine Science and Technology of Korea have successfully created giant crab robot, capable of deep diving and walking on the

Researchers have successfully developed a giant robot shaped like Crabster's crab with the size and weight of a smart car.

Tokyo residents are really excited by the giant 'Gundam' special robot placed in front of the DiverCity Tokyo building. This is the largest robot ever created by Japanese