Current browsers are always in the application group

Not a major feature on Google Chrome, but hundreds of millions of dinosaur games are played every month.

Chrome 83 has shortened (not shown) the http and www tags in the URL bar, if you do not like this you can ask Chrome to display the URL completely.

Even the most powerful computers in the world can be defeated by Google Chrome. Open 6000 tabs at once, Google Chrome

This is a small discovery, but quite interesting and not everyone knows.

Gathering information combined with machine learning and artificial intelligence tools to turn it into an endless data warehouse, Google can know you more than you think.

Semi-Conductor is an AI capable of tracking your movement as if you are waving in front of an actual symphony orchestra and creating musical works in real time.

Adobe Flash Player is blocked due to obsolescence on Google Chrome, Coc Coc is one of the errors that prevent users from watching videos when surfing the web.

Facebook is the application

If you're not satisfied with Chrome's current speed, here are 4 ways to improve it.