Because tram is one of the main means of transportation for Japanese people, the sunrise government has adopted a simple but effective method to minimize

A photo of Bangkok, Thailand from outer space is currently causing Twitter fever.

According to Japanese scientists, when creating artificial blood vessels in animals and shining blue light, this artificial blood vessel will thicken.

During previous studies, discoveries were made: cells in stems grown in seeds that reacted with blue light were used in microscopes.

Big fireball image and strong light emission are observed in the sky of San Antonio, Texas.

According to a reporter in Italy, the researchers used a beam of green light to shine on the body of the experiment.

Green light emitted from the phone screen and electronic devices in general has been shown to disturb the sleep cycle.

The cold winter makes the mood of people become very sad. But not only that, winter is also an opportunity for all of us to suddenly get fat.

Now everyone has their own smartphone. However, its harm is still very controversial.

Green light emitted from the smartphone screen at night can make it difficult for users to fall asleep.