Covid-19 is currently the biggest concern of the human race, but the present. Humans have an even bigger threat that has lasted for many years, called climate change!

Severe heat can cause edema, rash, cramps or fainting, exhaustion, and heat stroke. Timely treatment helps effective treatment, health protection.

The lifeguards were called to rescue a guy in England, 24 years old with asphalt

Edhi said most of the dead were taken to the morgue, factory workers from low-income areas in Karachi, Landhi and Korangi.

It is estimated that by 2050, about 350 million people living in big cities can die from heat stress (heat burden) every year.

The hot sun peaks up to 51oC in India, causing the asphalt to melt, making it difficult for people to walk on the road.

More than 8580 people were hospitalized within a week with symptoms of heat shock or sun exhaustion and 15 people died.

The truth is that exposure to hot sun at high temperatures can make you more dangerous, even deadly ...

Overheating can damage the brain and some other parts of the body, even, leading to death.

Even if you reheat food from the previous night, it's more dangerous than you think.