Scientists have discovered a toxic chemical that can cause cancer in kale - a vegetable known to have many benefits for human health.
Master Tran Quang Phong - master of nutrition and food safety, Agricultural University of China listed 18 fruits and vegetables that have 6 times more vitamin C than oranges and
Bitter melon, turmeric, kale are bitter foods but are good for health.
Nutrition experts have shown that vegetables and seeds should not be boiled because they will lose many nutrients.
Many carotenoid compounds in carrots, kale and sweet potatoes can help boost brain activity, prevent dementia and dementia in the elderly.
Soybeans, sweet potatoes, garlic, mushrooms ... are the foods that help you live longer, healthier every day.
Most people don't know that adding bitter foods to the diet is a natural way to remove toxins and cleanse the body.
A US Navy lab is studying how to grow green vegetables on a submarine for the crew's three-month trips.