After the water has been removed, put the coconut skull in the oven. The heat will cause the coconut skull to split itself. Besides, Bright Side also introduces tips to help you

It turns out there are many tips from rice with extremely wonderful effects that we never knew. Take advantage of it now!

The residue in warm for a long time can be harmful to health. With the tips to make use of the items available in the kitchen below, the super-fast cleaning of water becomes very

Compared to materials such as glass, porcelain, aluminum, stainless steel ... plastic utensils are harder to clean. But don't worry, you have salt, vinegar ...

When the pot of boiling water boils, you need to adjust the fire to make the chicken evenly cooked both inside and outside.

If you are fumbling with the kitchen during the Tet holidays, please consult the experience of the long-time housewives below.

If the fish is bought in a timely manner, it will be stagnant, the fishy smell will cause an unpleasant feeling, causing the dish to lose its taste. Some tips below will help you

Even if you have a universal refrigerator, you still need the following tips to keep fresh and delicious vegetables and fruits after using them all.

Do you know how to triple the amount of water squeezed from a lemon or quickly produce cold ice cubes for refreshment?