The experiment of interplanetary flight modeling

According to Reuters, six members of the international crew on November 4 appeared from a Moscow space research facility after spending 520 days of isolation in the framework of a

The astronauts on the first manned Mars flight could also be experts in farming and cooking.

According to the deputy director of the Russian rocket manufacturing group Energia, the space pilot Pavlov Vinogradov, in the next decade, up to 10 years, people will fly to Mars.

According to Russian news agency Ria Novosti, on February 14, two members of the group volunteered to participate in the project

Science experiments 'Mars-500' flight simulation on the Red planet will begin at the end of March 2010.

Russian scientists are preparing plans to bring monkeys to the spacecraft to fly to the red planet.

Exactly speaking this is just a hypothetical flight. The Russian-European crew, consisting of six volunteers, spent 105 days and nights in the Mars project of the international