Something even more terrifying than the giant space rock Chicxulub may have existed on Earth, forming

In 1,000 years, no asteroid larger than a kilometer will hit Earth, but there may be smaller ones.

The giant meteorite that is horizontal to the football field is likely to collide with the Earth in September this year with a risk of 1/7000.

Estimated scientists in Nördlingen town and the surrounding area contain approximately 72,000 tons of diamonds.

Apophis meteorite, 370m in diameter, can fall into the Pacific Ocean by 2036, having 65,000 times the impact of Hiroshima's atomic bomb.

Scientists at the US National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC) reconstruct some of the important events of the universe, helping to prove or reject many theories and predictions about

2013 EC 20 - the name of a meteorite - will be about 148,800km from the globe - March 16 by US time. A day later, meteorite named 2013 EN 20 will fly close to the earth with a