We will go back in time to 8000 years ago, when the shape of the mirror began to form and review important milestones in the creation and use of it in history.

Scientists have been 'headache' to decipher the mystery of some strange mirrors such as making people younger but sometimes getting older, or attaching to mysterious deaths.

Why in some countries do people often attach a piece of circular mirror right in front of the main door of the house, and the psychic who is very strict looking at the mirror many

The mirror was born about 600 BC. However, it was not until the nineteenth century that humanity could get mirrors like today ...

Chinese and Japanese have long kept rare mirrors that are miraculous in that they are made of solid copper but can let light through. The Chinese call them names with the meaning

Scientists say smart New Caledonian crows can use mirrors to find food.

The Qbo robot is the first intelligent technology capable of identifying itself through the mirror.

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