According to Express, NASA scientists have discovered that swimming goggles can keep astronauts' eyes safe in space missions, as they help build up the pressure of liquid inside

The only watch that NASA astronauts believe is the Omega Speedmaster because of its perfection.

Before the history of the event that Americans first set foot on the Moon in 1969, NASA experienced tons of cruel aviation tragedy!

NASA's twin astronaut studies yield remarkable results, National Geographic reported on March 15.

NASA's travel missions often have a team of crews mixing quite a balance between both genders.

On June 7, NASA announced a group of 12 astronauts selected for the mission to explore Mars as well as deeper spaces in the universe over the next few decades.

People still think that in the harsh conditions of space, microorganisms will not survive, but they are wrong.

Eating a nutritious diet is not easy for us and it is much more difficult for astronauts on the universe.