new strain of corona virus
After announcing 4 people positive for SARS-CoV-2, Hanoi implemented a classification procedure to isolate patients and contacts from F3.
At the end of February, the 34th patient (female, 51 years old) flew from Vietnam to the US, transited at Incheon Airport (South Korea).
We are reminded again and again about how often we should wash our hands and not put our hands on our faces. So what is the reason why this seemingly innocuous habit has become
The death rate for COVID-19 in Iran is 1 in 5 infected, while in China it is 1 in 50.
The patient, who returned from Wuhan, was positive for Covid-19, was tested on an anti-virus called Remdesivir, and ran out of fever after one day.
One of the current concerns is how likely the new strain of corona virus will survive on an object's surface? How long is the time?
Hubei province's Chinese health agency on 13 February recorded 14,840 new cases of Covid-19 infection, nearly 10 times higher than the number reported the day before. The number