The first 'spaceship' piloted by a group of young Vietnamese engineers, led by Pham Gia Vinh, will take people to space in May 2018.

Graduating a master's degree in France, Pham Gia Vinh was invited by many places in France and Europe to work at an attractive salary, but he refused and decided to return to

The successful construction of the spacecraft flying into space by Pham Gia Vinh will open a great opportunity to study the atmosphere, environment, resources and defense.

At 4 am, May 16, from Alice Spring town (Australia)

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In addition to producing flying instruments carrying research equipment, Pham Gia Vinh also wishes to bring people into the stratosphere to travel and serve science.

Flight equipment manufactured by Pham Gia Vinh successfully flew into the suburbs at a height of 23 km and prepared to test at a height of 30 km.