But do you wonder which ingredients actually contain any ingredients? Because controlling the ingredients in the food we consume is really necessary.

How that enemy created a dish so far still rains in the pantry of young people all over the world.

Batteries and chips are always filled with nitrogen to keep it crispy, flavorful and extend its shelf life.

There must not be many of us who will not be able to

When potatoes sprout, starch transforms into solanine and chaconine-alpha, which can cause poisoning to humans.

These foods are very easy

Today, cancer is a very common disease and can develop silently in anyone's body, including the healthiest people. One of the leading causes of cancer comes from everyday eating

European food management agencies discovered, a chemical appeared in coffee, bimps, chips ... and certain foods for children at risk of cancer.

Norwegian scientists have devised a way to make potato chips 'non-toxic' by eliminating poisons and carcinogens (acrylamids). The secret lies in how to deal with lactic acid