The fish accidentally caught Canadian fishermen with a long, nearly body-like nose, big green protruding eyes and pairs of fins that looked like bird wings.

The giant manta sting caught attention in April last year when a fisherman in northern Peru accidentally caught an individual weighing 900kg.

Chinese fishermen have caught a giant stingray weighing more than a ton off the coast of Fujian province. After putting stingray on a boat on September 3, fishermen took it to

The team followed six rays off Mexico's Yukatan peninsula within 13 days. Like sharks and whales, giant stingrays have huge mouth cavities and water filters, which can swallow

A member of the delegation made BBC documentary about nature playing with rays in a shallow sea.

According to a new discovery by Canadian biologist Claire Healy, the gut is the

Peruvian fishermen catch a manta ray weighing more than a ton and have to use a crane to bring it ashore.

Some strange animals in the world have the ability to generate electricity to protect themselves or search for prey, especially this strange ability does not cause them to be

A stingray weighing more than 300 kg has been found in Thailand. It can be said that this is the largest freshwater fish in the world.

The maximum volume of Mekong catfish reaches 300 kg, while the maximum length of freshwater rays is up to 5 m.