Professor Stephen Hawking died, the NASA probe landed on Mars, changing the definition of the kilogram ... the memorable milestones of the past year.

BBC News has just released a series of

Japan re-enacted the Minke whale hunt for controversy

Airlander 10 - the world's largest air balloon hybrid aircraft is about to make its first flight. The aircraft does not need airstrips or airports, can land on many terrains,

By using nuclear energy to operate the spaceship, Russian scientists believe that it is possible to shorten the journey to Mars to 45 days, much faster than the previous plan of

The US Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) will use the self-driving cygnus Cygnus as an experimental project

Have you ever looked at a tank or fighter plane and wondered: How was the military power of mankind before?

On December 24, the Club of Science and Technology Journalists announced ten outstanding scientific and technological events in 2014.

Join the BBC to look back at some of the most prominent events this year from an external perspective.

On the morning of December 8, at the University of Dalat, Hanoi Institute of Mathematics and Pukyong National University (South Korea) organized the international seminar on