Maybe many people will think that this is a strange thing but the fact that the newly discovered seaworm has the ability to produce the loudest sounds ever recorded on the ocean.

The worm-like, green, long, pink-colored creature clings around the ground, making many Taiwanese interested.

Among the newly discovered organisms, there are crustaceans, crustaceans and seaworms found at depths of 200-4,000m.

Every Christmas, the world scene of life is bustling with activities of buying and selling a beautiful seaworm, possessing an appearance similar to the colorful Christmas trees.

Botanists have found some new marine worms that live deep in the ocean. Statistics show that about 12 species of seaworms are found.

When diving in the Mediterranean, we can see a strange green worm like a spoon with the scientific name Bonellia viridis. They are Echiura-class creatures.

The latest research by US scientists confirms the structure of the human brain gene related to seaworms. This shows that the origin of the human brain originated from a far

Take a look at a world of wonders with tiny, invisible creatures on the ocean floor.