Only with simple symbols but the symbols printed on this special shirt can help you easily exchange information with indigenous people when traveling to another country.

The US OK sign expresses satisfaction, but if reversed it would be viewed as a rude gesture in Brazil.

Deep studies show that when we wave our hands and feet, it also brings cognitive benefits.

Who is Charles Michèle de l 'Epée who has a memorial logo on Google November 24, 2018, please read the article about him.

Scientists have discovered many different species of fish using gesture language to support each other in hunting activities.

Currently, gloves translate symbols for deaf and dumb people to translate 24 alphanumeric symbols, translating 10 counts.

Sign language can be converted into written information thanks to a new computer program developed by Scottish experts.

A team of students at the University of Antwerp, Belgium, created a robotic arm with the ability to translate words into sign language, making it easier for the deaf to

The magic gloves know

Chinese researchers recently introduced a sign language translation system that makes it easier for deaf people to communicate.