25 extremely rare historical photos will give you a different perspective on world history and humanity.

Karl A. Schilder created the world's first fully metal submarine, and a prototype of the destroyer - the ancestor of modern warships today.

Looking at the current generations of nuclear submarines, few people know that the construction of the first submarine has encountered many difficulties and obstacles. So far, its

It was almost impossible for submarines to contact any other thing on the surface because of the physical limitations of the water environment.

The famous Palmaz Vineyards made in Napa Valley, Calif., Have been added to the line of incubators and have produced advanced submarine-like technology such as intelligence films.

The US military plans to test unmanned ships that monitor diesel-electric submarines next year (2015).

Researchers at Tianjin University have recently completed a new trial of a new underwater vehicle (UVV).

Missing aircraft search teams MH370 brought a robot submarine for the first time to search.

16 underwater devices will perform exploration missions and assist in mapping the world's oceans.

ASQ-81 is an unusual magnetic sensor detection system manufactured by Raytheon Corporation (USA). It has the best sensitivity compared to other sensors.