the happiest country in the world

People in the Nordic countries have always been in the top of the most happy world in recent years. What is their secret?

For the past few decades, policymakers, entrepreneurs and many others have been actively taking the level of happiness to assess social progress.

2018 World Happiness Report (2018 World Happiness Report) is the annual report of the UN Sustainable Solution Network.

This Himalayan kingdom is famous for the highest National Happiness index in the world for many years.

Norway has increased by 3 places for the first time to win the title

When countries around the world are still busy in the race to take the throne of economic power and political power, the small nation of Bhutan is transforming itself into the core

Scientists claim to have discovered why Danish people are the happiest people on Earth.

According to the statistics of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Australia again became the happiest country in the world in 2014.

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