If controlled at a moderate level, video games indeed bring many benefits to the health, brain and spirit of each person.

Here are the secrets in video games that are hidden by game makers that gamers have never been to.

We've streamed content over the Internet for a long time, to the point where for many people, the Internet is synonymous with streaming video services like Netflix and Youtube.

On November 30, 2016, there are 100,000 players from all over the world simultaneously online and playing together: they do it to

Does big brain make you smarter? The blind hear better hearing ordinary people? There are many surprising secrets about the human brain that we are not yet aware of.

Many phenomena used to be a dream in the past but now become reality like atomic bombs, Internet ...

Akili interactive lab has designed an electronic game to treat hyperactivity (ADHD) children.

Taking medicine, acupuncture points only help headaches go away temporarily. The disease will return, aggravated when you do not take root treatment. So what causes and solutions

Violent video games and praise of antisocial characters can increase the risk of committing crimes.

Doctors in the US are making the most of the appeal of video games to offer a new treatment for children with chronic pain.