TEPCO withdrew from the nuclear project in Vietnam

The Mainichi newspaper quoted the new president of Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), Japan, saying the company will withdraw from a nuclear power plant project in Vietnam.

TEPCO is the major shareholder with a 20% stake in Japan's International Nuclear Energy Development Company (JINED) with the participation of eight other power companies.

The Mainichi newspaper quoted the new president Naomi Hirose as saying: "Engineers specializing in TEPCO's nuclear reactors need to focus on stabilizing and dismantling the furnaces that must be applied at the factory (having trouble in Fukushima) during the time. long time ".

"We cannot focus on exporting nuclear power plants because it affects our response to the crisis."

Picture 1 of TEPCO withdrew from the nuclear project in Vietnam

The nuclear leak at Fukushima plants affected a large area and displaced tens of thousands of people.

It is estimated that Japan will take decades to eradicate radiation.

Mainichi said that Tepco's decision to withdraw from JINED is likely to force the government to reconsider its policy of boosting nuclear exports.

JINED's remaining partners also include Hitachi, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Innovation Network Corporation of Japan.

The Mainichi newspaper quoted an official from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, which initiated the JINED initiative, said it was considering inviting Kansai Electric Power Company to replace TEPC in the lead role.

Government sources quoted by the Mainichi also said Vietnam could cancel the contract with JINED if Japan cannot make up for Tepco's withdrawal. Some experts also question Japan 's export of nuclear power technology while it is slowly abandoning the technology.

Yesterday, Tepco shareholders approved the decision to nationalize this company.

The Japanese government will put a trillion yen into the company to avoid bankruptcy and bring the total amount of government support to TEPCO to at least 3.5 trillion yen since last year's earthquake damaged the reactor. .