The cat has up to 5 ears
A biologist in Voronezh, southern Russia, found a owner of a 5-eared cat on the street and took it to the farm to study and breed.
A biologist in Voronezh, southern Russia, found a owner of a 5-eared cat on the street and took it to the farm to study and breed.
' The cat has a normal 2-ear, 2 extra ears turn 180 degrees and has a tiny 5th ear, ' said Vladimir Obryvkov, a scientist from Voronezh National Agricultural University .
Obryvkov, who has studied animal anomalies for many years, took the cat to X-rays and took him home to take care of his children.
Mr. Obryvkov added that the cat, Luntya, has large claws but all its activities are completely normal like other cats.
The scientist also said he wanted to breed this 5-ear cat with a 4-ear cat currently living in Vladivostok to create a new breed.
Mr. Obryvkov also studied a calf with two heads, two tails and two hearts; a sheep with an eye; four-hen chicken; Conjoined twins and a foal have two noses and three eyes.
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