The Earth will increase by nearly 6 degrees Celsius by 2100

NASA's new data file shows the new perspective of humanity in 2100.

The year 2100 Earth will increase to nearly 6 degrees Celsius

Below is a picture of our future. By July 2099, the climate will have 21 different models, the amount of CO2 reaches a record of 900 ppm, accounting for nearly 0.1% of the atmosphere (in early 2015, this number was 400 ppm). The balance between heat absorbed from the sun and emitted by the Earth determines the temperature of the Earth's surface.

The increased amount of CO2 in the air will prevent radiant heat coming back into the Earth's universe and thus, the temperature of the Earth increases. Scientific research shows that global temperatures will increase from 1.4 degrees Celsius to 5.8 degrees Celsius between 1990 and 2100. Global warming can lead to many other problems such as melting ice and seawater. surges, droughts, . Estimates show that in 2100, 3 billion people will fall into food shortages due to global warming.

Picture 1 of The Earth will increase by nearly 6 degrees Celsius by 2100
The image of the world's climate prediction in 2100.

The predictions in this daily highest temperature map are published by NASA 's new data file on June 9. This file collects weather data and models to make accurate predictions. high. These data are kept by NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) and classified by city level on a daily time frame.

Therefore, developing countries can predict and prepare for the effects of climate change, floods and droughts. At the global level, this system helps scientists to return to Earth and anyone who cares to see that the temperature at the end of the century will rise very high.

Ellen Stofan, NASA's chief scientist, said, 'NASA is using this planet's knowledge to create new products that help us protect the future. With this new data file, people around the world will have a useful tool to plan for dealing with the warming Earth. '

NASA's prediction shows a detailed view of the future temperature and the 25 km resolution model of rainfall, between 1950 and 2100. This 11 TB heavy data file is for Daily estimates of the highest, lowest temperatures and rainfall globally.

NEX provides free data and analysis tools through the OpenNEX project on the Amazon website. This is a good example of sharing scientific knowledge for a wide range of people, so anyone can learn and analyze weather predictions, test runs and share models.